Pavel Arseniev: "Reported Speech and Other Ways of Transmitting Voices"


Wednesday, December 5, 2018, 5:30pm to 7:00pm


Barker 373 (Klasson Room)

Pavel Arseniev (b. 1986) is a Russian artist, poet and theoretician. He is also known for editing and galvanizing intellectual forces around the St. Petersburg-based journal of poetics and theory, Translit – an activity for which he received an Andrei Bely prize, Russia’s most prestigious literary award – and for inventing the slogan that became a rallying cry of the 2012 anti-Putin protests. His poems have been translated into English, Italian, Danish, Dutch, Bulgarian, Polish and Slovenian.


Pavel Arseniev, Poet; 2012 Recipient of the Andrei Bely Prize.